More and more Americans and Canadians and other foreigners are spending their winters in Puerto Vallarta Mexico as it is an ideal “snowbird” destination. Puerto Vallarta’s residents are friendly people, Puerto Vallarta has a low cost of living, it is safe, offers many, many lots activities and is located in the heart of Mother Nature’s lush jungle along the Pacific Ocean. But the main reason foreigners fin Puerto Vallarta so attractive is this:

The Average February Temperature (F) High/Low

  • Chicago 34/18
  • Seattle 49/38
  • San Francisco 59/47
  • Denver 47/20
  • Vancouver 46/34
  • Calgary 31/10
  • Toronto 29/15
  • Montreal 24/10
  • New York City 40/27
  • Puerto Vallarta 84/64

………sunshine, warm days and pleasant evenings all winter long makes the lifestyle here wonderful. Puerto Vallarta is the perfect place to live out those cold winter months. Puerto Vallarta Mexico, it’s fantastico!

Contact Russell Faulkner to find out how easy it is to retire in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Russell@timothyrealestategroup.com

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